Georgia Tseri was born in Athens in 1967 and studied at the School of Fine Arts and Design of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens. She specialized in Textile Design and Painting on fabric. For ten years she organized and taught art classes to children and batik and stained glass classes to adults. The art classes have participated in various national and international events and competitions and had an on-going cooperation with the Museum of Cycladic Art. In 1997, she permanently moved to Kythera where she worked both for the Municipality and the Library as Head of Cultural and Educational Programs. In 2000 she was awarded at the Frankfurt DESIGN show for her artistic lights. In 2008 she established her own gallery in Kapsali as well as the Art Shop that she operates along with Drosia Tseri. Since 2010 she has also been attending calligraphy and butoh seminars. Ink and wax on silk or handmade paper are the main media that define her artistic identity. She is inspired by human nature and the passage of time and through her work she wants to create space to the viewer for dreaming and wandering of the soul.