Maria Giannakaki

Born in Athens in 1958, she studied Painting under Panayiotis Tetsis and Mosaic under Yannis Kolefas at the Athens School of Fine Arts (1977-1982). She furthered her education on a scholarship from the Greek State at the Hangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in China, where she received a postgraduate degree in the techniques of traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy (1983-1985). Her first solo exhibition was held in Beijing. Along with painting, she is also involved in book illustrations and book cover design. Works by her can be found in significant private collections. She lives and works in Athens.

Μαρία Γιαννακάκη
Based in
Athens, Greece


artwork by Maria Giannakaki
artwork by Maria Giannakaki
artwork by Maria Giannakaki
artwork by Maria Giannakaki
artwork by Maria Giannakaki
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