Garden Of Memory

solo show

With the unit of works, the garden of memory, Dimitris Chatzantonakis refers to the functions of nature, the world of stimuli and reactions, as they are retrieved from memory.
The main material of his works is marble powder colored with natural techniques, a solid material with a fluid behavior. The surface of the works is structured by embossed parallel lines, which create sections between them that function like defined routes, where rhythmogenic formations can develop within these limits.
Each work acts as a pointer to the conditions that can impregnate the adventures of the form, as the moment encapsulates the movement like sound between strings.
As Athena Schina mentions, under the skin of the image there are quantitative and qualitative features, regarding the properties and behaviors of structure, texture and matter at the level, before the building of volume. Networks of relationships are formed, turning the potential into fact and the intangible into the visible, while order escapes from chaos.

Garden Of Memory -- poster or photo of exhibited artwork
16 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024
Opening Hours
Mo- Su 18:30-00:30
follow your art, Kapsali, Kythera, 80100
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