Oceans Alive

group show

Who shall say where it starts.
Who shall know how it begins.
The adventure never ends!
From the depths to the surface.

Always alive!

Let us begin.

In this exhibition the two artists Leonie de Lange and Vasiliki Malliopoulou talk to each other through their art, expressing the beauty and vital force of the oceans. Greece is blessed to have this energy surrounding it.
These two artists have worked together before.
Leonie de Lange, an artist from South Africa, presently living in Greece, expresses the Oceans Alive theme primarily from the vantage point of being above the ocean.
Using a mixed media-technique she expresses the drama of the water depths using deep, strong colors.
A lighter palette enhances the subtle way in which the wind plays on the surface of the water.
Small boats and birds play their role here.
Leonie often introduces villages and ancient ruins often found near the water edge, something so characteristic of the coastline of Greece.
Leonie uses for this part of her art a mixed media technique that she developed some years ago. This technique is complementary and extends the exploration of the watercolors which was her point for departure years ago.
Using mixed media technique, Vasiliki Malliopoulou expresses this theme in an abstract way, exploring the magical movements and mysterious shapes both below and above the surface of the water.
The paintings of both artists complement the sculptures presented in this exhibition.
Stones and fossils that have been found along the Peloponesse coastline provide the inspiration for these sculptures.
Through the combination of different materials used for the composition and presentation of the sculptures, Vasiliki breathes new life into these ’finds.’
Each of these a unique, individual ‘gem.’
Soon surely to become a collectable item.

Oceans Alive -- poster or photo of exhibited artwork
10 Aug 2024 - 17 Aug 2024
Opening Hours
Mo-Su 10:30-13:30, 19:00-00:00
follow your art, Chora, Kythera, 80100
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Vasiliki Malliopoulou
Leonie de Lange
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